Welcome back! TNB is COVID SAFE.

Posted: Jun 01 2020

Our COVID Safe procedures will re-introduce salon treatments keeping clients, staff and the salon safe.  We have carefully considered COVID-19 Government requirements and have implemented an NSW Health approved COVID-19 safety plan as follows for your safety:

Physical Distancing in the Salon.

Covid SafeAll appointments require a booking and are designed to minimise the number of clients in the salon at any one time. Only one therapist will be working on alternate day shifts. Product purchases require a booking time for collection or we can deliver via post. We are no longer able to accept walks-ins. All new clients will be requested to complete client information forms and return prior to your first visit.

Health Safety Checks

Covid SafeYou will receive an additional email questionnaire after your SMS booking confirmation which is a NSW Health requirement. When you arrive we will repeat these health questions and your temperature will be checked.  As part of NSW Health requirements we are obliged to maintain accurate contact records which will be confirmed at your appointment.

Hygiene in the Salon.

Covid SafeTNB's hygiene policy has always been at industry leading standard and more than complies with NSW Health Department regulations on COVID-19. Hand hygiene facilities will be available for your use and all staff have completed COVID-19 infection control training.


Be Covid Safe. 


Covid SafeOur employees practice Covid Safe procedures. Please note it is vital no one attend the salon if you are unwell with flu-like symptoms, even if only mild. We would also encourage all clients to download the Covid Safe App.

We look forward to welcoming you back with some new adjustments for your continued safety.